The must-have toolkit of Beauty Secrets
that every 'menopausal' Woman NEEDS!
Our personal Makeup and Skincare textures change A LOT once we hit 30, with our skin image and features tweaking over the years - we need to focus on enhancing our true beauty, and learning to master the cycle of beauty life!
We have LESS time on our hands, unknown knowledge to our skin needs and our makeup doesn't sit as smooth as it did 5 years ago...
We really are stuck in a rut with skincare and makeup that we haven't changed since.
Its time we worked with the 'skin change'...
NOW, with my ‘Mid-Life Magic Beauty Toolkit’ your current routine can be revitalised with new techniques, knowledge and skills for your everyday makeup look and skincare routine.
PERFECT for Women over 30 years old
Women going through peri-menopause / menopause / post menopause
Who would love to gain knowledge in working 'with' your skin
For beauty & makeup self-love and confidence
🌟 The Toolkit includes the HUGE 'Beauty Toolkit Workbook', this will cover all real womens' (find out below) concerns about makeup and beauty issues.
With all the answers on these beauty problems to give you a solution for each, including what to work on and how to adapt your applications to solve your makeup problems.
🌟Multiple, QUICK and EFFECTIVE makeup lessons when you have less time!
🌟Revamping every product in your Makeup Bag, with individual Videos on products recommendations to help you put together the PERFECT makeup bag for you!
This is what we have been searching for…
I have been teaching women for years, on how they can focus on their true beauty, enhance what they have and be their beautiful self everyday!
So I wanted to create you, your 'at home' beauty toolkit with all my secrets and
get the answers you've been looking for.
What the Toolkit contains;
101 BEAUTY TOOLKIT GUIDE - Beauty solving the following concerns...
(Real concerns, for real women based on research)
Hooded Eyes,
All Skin Types,
Neck Ageing,
Adult Acne,
Enlarged Pores
Skin Textures,
Puffy Eyes,
Lip Line,
Under-eye Circles,
Eye Creasing,
Cakey Makeup
10 minute Daily Makeup Demo
The perfect makeup look for everyday, to teach you new tips and techniques -
'No makeup' makeup Demo (secret formula)
My most popular makeup lesson, on enhancing without having to
use foundation
Ultimate Makeup Bag Checklist
Helping you go through you makeup bags and assuring you have 'essentials'
Product Recommendations PER Area
8 breakdown videos on skin and makeup recommended products, from Cleansers to peels, Foundations, Blushers, Brow Products all the way to Lips -
EXCLUSIVE Regain that Glow Video
Dedicated to those going through pre/menopausal symptoms and what skincare and makeup you should adapt to during these times.
Skincare Focus Worksheet
Skincare plans for age groups 30s/40s/50s on the perfect day & night skincare routine
AND LIFE-TIME ACCESS to recap, repeat and revisit anytime!
You came across this because its the perfect time to put this toolkit into action!
Are you ready to get your QUICK, EFFECTIVE MAKEOVER TOOLKIT??
Get this whole toolkit for JUST £37 and have access for life.
The sooner you learn the phases of life,
your beauty will be a breeze